Friday, October 2, 2009

3 generations of women...

me, my mom, and my grandmother all went out today. we had lunch together, and then went shoes & clothing shopping. i had a lot of fun! we had yummie arby's marketfresh sandwiches, which are the BEST! except our lettuce was rotten. literally black. my mom was so mad, she asked for the store manager, and got us all new sandwiches (with no lettuce) ... lol.

when we arrived at my grandmother's house to pick her up, she & my mom were dressed almost identical - by accident! it was so cute, so i had to take pics.. aren't they so cute!!! i also took one of all three of us together. you can totally tell we're related, as we all have the same lips. lol. and my mom & i have the same eyes.

mom bought me two VERY cute pairs of shoes, and an awesome purse. the shoes, one pair is a dark purple pair of flats, with a cutesy ribbon on top, and the other is some brown flats with sequins and glitter & stuff. the PURSE IS MY FAV! hehe it's yellow.. super adorable.. the picture i posted to the left is similar to the bag she got me.. the bag i posted is a gucci bag, lol, which mine definitely is not.

chris is working on getting his civic up and running again. the distributor went out about a month ago, and he has been driving my car back & forth to freakin nashville to school.. i'm so glad that he & his friend are getting it repaired today.

i did not receive a call back yet from that salon, but i'm optimistic that i will hear something by tomorrow. if not, i will call tomorrow evening around 5pm and see what the verdict is. i am so excited, and i know i made a good impression on them. i just hope that they choose me to work there. i know i would be a great addition to their team.

today, my makeup was super cute. i will post a close up picture of it.. LOVE IT! i'm so cute and talented. hehehehehe

so ok, i'm done writing for tonight, because my cousin emily called & now we're gabbing on the phone about our husbands. haha. love yall! nighty night!

leaving you with a pic of us today. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I REALLY REALLY hope that salon calls and gives you the chance that you deserve. You should show them some of your work if they are undecided. Just give them this link to your blogs. :C)